Friday, 11 May 2018

This week, I quit my job!

This week I quit my job! 😲 It wasn't quite so out-of-the-blue as that, but I loved walking around and telling my work friends "today I quit my job"!  The shock and disbelief was hilarious and it was so much fun telling everyone.  However with that enjoyment is of course the sadness I feel at leaving this incredible group of people whom I've come to love like family.  And then there's the guilt, knowing that I am abandoning those that I work closest with because management think my position is no longer me, the workload in our little team of 3 (2 part-timers and 1 full-timer, me) is huge...but of course, management know best.

I am leaving for several reasons.  The main one is that I am concerned for my mental health if I stay....this is the first time that I have ever felt that my mental health is at risk.  In my mind, I've compared my work situation as being like an abusive relationship.  Management uses manipulation and the occasional reward to make a show that you are valued, however in reality they don't care about individuals.  It's a bums-on-seats situation.  If there's a bum on a seat, they don't care about future development, experience, ability or happiness of the person attached to that bum.  There's unashamed and blatant nepotism, narcissism, bullying and favouritism which goes unchallenged.  I am a strong believer in equality, promotion through proven ability and treating people with respect and fairness.  It has been a very difficult work situation for me because my ethical and moral beliefs are the opposite to everything I see, hear and have experienced.  I need to go!

Don't get me wrong, there are people who are happy.  There are those who can shut out what happens around them and happily do their jobs.  There are others who are prepared to sit and ride it out until a change of management comes in.  However, I am not one of them.  I am also not prepared to waste what could be years waiting for a change in management style.

So, 2 days ago, I quit my job!  I love saying that!!!  😆  I am currently studying my Bachelor of Accounting and in a few weeks (providing I survive the term) I will be over half-way through.  In my current work I've been told "maybe, someday, when you're closer to finishing, you might have the opportunity to move up with the accountants...providing something is available of course."  Seriously???  There's no way that I'm sitting and waiting on a maybe possibility to do work that I have already done in previous roles and to do work which I have already demonstrated that I am more than capable of doing.  This is a typical example of their manipulation.  Making meaningless statements to make you feel like you have a future, but which mean nothing.

So, 2 days ago, I quit my job!  How great does that sound?  Of course, there's the fear of the unknown.  The nervousness of not having a job to go to, not knowing what the next opportunity will be, what the next employer will be like and will I have enough money to live on in the meantime.  It's these negative thoughts and emotions which have held me back in the past, but not any longer.

So, 2 days ago, I quit my job!  So, what's next?  I don't know, but I'm excited to find out!  The world is full of opportunities.  

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